Support the financing of local businesses

Distribute counter guaranteed loans (EIF for example) or credit enhancement programs

European banks can take advantage of various European institutions to secure or enhance their credit lines, for example with the EIB (European Investment Bank), or the EIF (European Investment Fund).

Pain point

How to make the required eligibility criteria of the guarantee simple for advisors during the granting of the loan ?

Pain point
The Desk response

Advisors have access to a space where they can verify the borrower's eligibility and store the eligibility documents required for granting.

The Desk response
Pain point

How to centralize the consumption of all the distributors of the same banking group to generate a reliable report to the counter guarantor ?

Pain point
The Desk response

The credit management team can access all the eligible granted loans in the Kls Desk.They can then integrate credits-related events to generate reliable reports.

The Desk response
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