Your financing and investment operations, only simpler smoother and secure.

Debt Syndication

Simplify the coordination of financing and investment operations

Invite your partners to collaborate in real time on an investment or financing transaction and share the material with them

Simplify the distribution of credit debt in a pool for any type of financing or investment (syndicated loans, bullet loans, short-term loans, convertible bonds, sub-participation, etc.)

Collect replies from your financial partners, exchange with them and facilitate the closing of the operation


Debt Tracking

Smooth collaborative management of debt monitoring

Exercise your role as lead banker by collecting, monitoring, sharing and arranging contractual covenants in a single interface

Give your partners access to an interface where they can consult the results of controlled covenants, the renewal of guarantees and download documents in a secure dataroom

Give your client access to an interface where they can complete their financial and non-financial covenants and post their documentation


Debt Eligibility-2

Secure the distribution of funding programs with eligibility criteria and conditions

Distribute complex programs with a centralised eligibility engine that makes it easy for salespeople to respect credit granting criteria

Centralise the operations of your entire sales network to track the programs' consumption and easily generate the mandatory reporting

credit & guaranty