Syndicated loan, an efficient way to distribute corporate debt

Finance more, by syndicating debt with other banks

Constitute a banking pool quickly and/or propose a silent sub-participation within your own group

Pain point

How to strengthen your position as lead banker by financing more bilateral loans or arranging syndicated loans?

Pain point
The Desk response

Get real time responses from the pool and the silent participants. After the closing, create a common debt tracking space with the Lenders and the Borrower to receive, monitor and share the required covenants and financial security guarantees.

The Desk response
Pain point

How to reduce your debt portfolio’s risk exposure by reselling shares of your downgrading loans? So you can finance new borrowers’ transactions

Pain point
The Desk response

Using the Arrangement service, you can propose your shares to any kind participant (bank, private debt fund, insurer,...) who might look for these kind of trade. Just a few click to share the deal with your selected partner.

The Desk response
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